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Project Carbon Copy (Mystery Suspense Science Fiction & Fantasy High Tech)

Claire Manning
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Type: Science-Fiction
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During his latest vacation, Owen McLeod discovers a time capsule on a beach in Barbados. The contents of this time capsule turn out to be something he thought could only exist in science-fiction stories.
Aliens playing with man’s DNA through abductions with the intent of changing the unique core fabrication of humans. Their plan is well on track and it seems that nothing can stop them from achieving their goal.
They have been busy working on this for centuries. He decides to provide the information to Scotland Yard as it is too much for him to keep it to himself – The unthinkable being revealed by a biologist.
He pays a heavy price as a result of witnessing the unthinkable. Great plot, keeps you on your edge of your seat at every turn of the page.

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I opened it delicately and began to read.
«This is a time capsule that I have placed in the ocean in 1975. You are the person of the future by whom it was destined to be opened. You have in your hands information that I could not keep to myself anymore. I have to share it with someone before I depart this world. While I am still alive and well at this time, I have decided to make this move despite the risks involved by disclosing this data. The information contained in this journal and the two small reels of film is of the upmost importance to you and everybody living on this planet today, without exception. No matter what your race, your country, your religion, your lifestyle, your beliefs, whether you care or not presently about the life conditions of this planet, you will realize that what I am about to reveal to you is the biggest and most outrageous government classified cover up operation against humanity ever undertaken.

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